Frequently Asked Questions


Everything you may need to know about our services and commitment will be included here. If you can't find the answer you're looking for then please contact us so we can help.

Are you a full service agency?

Yes, we are a full service agency. We offer our clients a wide range of services, including web design, mobile development, brand development, social media marketing, video production, search engine optimization, online advertising, search engine optimization, and email marketing.

How do you decide which projects go to which team?

When deciding which team to assign a project, we consider a few things. For example, if a client needs a new website, we’ll assign a team of designers and developers to work on the website. We might also assign a team of videographers to work on a video project, and a team of writers and social media experts to work on a social media marketing project.

Who owns the intellectual property (IP) of the work you do for my business?

You own the IP of the work we do for you. We make a point of creating a complete copyright transfer agreement that stipulates the ownership of the work. The IP of the work we do for you is yours, not ours.

What kind of reporting do you provide?

We provide one-page monthly reports that show the status of your project. The report will show what was completed in the previous month, what’s scheduled for the following month, and any changes to the schedule. This one-page report will also include an overview of your performance metrics (traffic, conversion rate, etc.). We also provide weekly email updates showing what was completed in the previous week and what’s planned for the following week.

What if I become unhappy with your services?

We would be disappointed to lose a client, but we want to establish an honest relationship with our clients. So if you become unhappy with our services, just let us know. We welcome feedback and want to improve our service every day so you get the best results possible.

What if I want to end our contract?

We’re happy to end our contract if you choose to do so. Again, we want to establish an honest relationship with our clients. So if you’d like to end our contract, just let us know. We’ll make sure all of your projects are completed before the end of the contract.

What do you expect from me during the project?

We expect you to be available for meetings to answer any questions that may arise during the project. You should also be available to provide feedback on designs or any other information that may be required for your project to move forward.

What if I need to make a change during the project?

We’re happy to accommodate changes during the project. Just let us know and we’ll make sure it’s done as quickly as possible. Additional charges may apply if this changes the scope of the original project.

What if I don’t like what you’ve done?

Don’t worry. We take great pride in our work and we want you to be happy with it. If you aren’t happy with our work, simply let us know and we’ll do everything we can to fix it.

How do you decide the cost of my project?

We use a formula to help us determine the cost of a project. We’ll do a quick analysis of your business, your goals, and what you want to accomplish. Then we’ll discuss the project with you and get an idea of what you expect from us. With all of this information, we can get a good idea of the time and effort required for this project. We’ll then use our formula to calculate a price for your project.

How long do you take to finish a project?

We have a standard turn around time for our projects that is based on how complex the project is. For example, it may take us longer to design an in-depth website than it would take us to design one that’s simple. The turn around times are included in our standard contract.

What do you need from me to start working on my project?

We only need the following: Your business plan/statement of work (SOW) – this is a document that describes your project and the end result you’re aiming for. This document defines your requirements and our scope of work. Your team’s contact information – this includes names, email addresses, and phone numbers of the people we’ll be working with on this project. Your preferred method of communication – we prefer to communicate via email for most of our projects, but we can use other methods if you prefer (phone, Skype, Google Hangouts).

How do I pay you?

We primarily takes BACS transfers with the details available on your invoice. Additional methods of payment may be available, we may also use Stripe to take recurring payments if this is more convenient.

What’s the best way to get in touch with you?

The best way to reach us is by email. We’ll get back to you within a few hours and we’ll answer any questions you may have. You can email us at If you’d like to speak with us on the phone, please phone us at +1 (919) 747-4144 if you are calling from the US, or +44 (0) 2392 16 0606 if you are calling from the UK.